A better world in which to live

An ongoing commitment to reduce CO2 emissions



It is natural, for those who believe in respect for nature and a better world where to live, to arrange the entire production process in environment friendly way.
In this terms, the use of carbon-ceramic discs allows lower CO2 emissions which can be measured at about one gram of CO2 per kilometer (1g CO2./km) If we project this value over 30 000 kilometers driven annually on average by a car, significant data for the environment comes out: 30 000 grams less of CO2, or 30 less kilograms, produced every year.

The exceptional hardness of these discs leads to a further advantage for the environment: the wear of the disc is stongly reduced ,hence carbon-ceramic dics allow a significant reduction of fine powders. In addition, the CO2 emissions of the vehicle in operation are reduced due to the lower weight of the carbon ceramic brake disc.
